Why you shouldn’t wear headphones after swimming

Why you shouldn’t wear headphones after swimming


You should not use headphones after swimming to avoid ear infections. Children are particularly at risk.

  • How is a inflammation in the ear?
  • What role do headphones after swimming?
  • Therefore, Children particularly at risk

After To swim in the pool, in the lake or in the sea: summer hits on the Headphones make your stay by the water a personal Beach partyBut be careful: Immediately after you come out of the water, you should definitely not use headphones. The reason: This can lead to Inflammations in the ear.

After swimming, the ears must be free

The Chamber of Pharmacists of Lower Saxony warns against the so-called Bathing otitisan inflammation of the external auditory canalBasically, it is good that the ears are rinsed during bathing and thus cleaned But if you clean your ears immediately after being in the water with Headphones closes, the water can do not drain.

This causes the skin in the ear canal softened The warm, humid climate offers optimal conditions for Germs. Whether you are swimming in an outdoor pool, in the sea or in a lake, you bring out of the water bacteria These then spread in the ear, which in turn leads to a painful inflammation In addition, when swimming and diving, the important Earwax is washed out. The fat with the acidic PH value should protect the ears from bacteria The Chamber of Pharmacists also points out that, in addition, in the case of a Defect in the eardrum the germs from the external auditory canal directly into the Middle ear can penetrate.

Children are particularly at risk because they often suffer from enlarged tonsilsThis will create a connection between Middle ear and Throat narrowed and the ventilation of the middle ear is limited. Maintained by headphones Water in the ears, the bacteria have an even easier time.

How to avoid inflammation

In general, the water will drain out of your ear if you don’t cover it with headphones. However, if you Play it safe If you want to go, we recommend earplugs or so-called Ehm’s diving drops. These are in Pharmacies available. They are disinfectant and create a acidic environmentin which bacteria have difficulty spreading.

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Do you prefer swimming without earplugs and want to avoid diving drops, you should best clean your ears with Fresh water or drinking water To do this, tilt your head to the side and gently pull on the Earlobes. Then you should clean the ears with a Hand towel pat dry.

Should a Ear infection occur in adults Painkiller from the pharmacy can help. If persistent pain you should have a Physician visit.

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Source: German