Refer Report
“Many patients ask me why heart attacks occur during sleep when the body is at rest,” said Dr. Rajeev Bhagwat said. Answering this question, Dr. Bhagwat said, “The truth is that the body does not rest while sleeping or lying on the bed; Especially if you have co-morbidities like diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure or sleep apnea. Moreover, few people know that the chemical composition of the blood changes during sleep and this is not conducive to heart health.”
Dr. Interventional Cardiologist Department of Nanavati Max Super Specialty Hospital, Mumbai. While giving information to The Indian Express, Rajiv Bhagwat has given detailed information about why heart attacks occur.
What changes in blood composition?
A heart attack usually occurs between midnight and 4 am. This is the time when blood levels of a specific protein called PA1 are highest. This protein thickens the blood. Blood platelets then stick together to form blood clots; Which can lead to heart attack. Now if there are other risk factors already in the body, blood clotting can be the final ‘trigger’.
Can it cause sleep apnea?
Sometimes many people are not aware of the fact that they have a problem called sleep apnea. When such a person sleeps in this position, all the muscles are relaxed; which includes the muscles in the neck area. As a result, the airways become damaged, the airways narrow, and the air taken in for inhalation takes time to reach the lungs instead of moving freely. It temporarily stops snoring or breathing while sleeping; This causes lack of oxygen. Sometimes breathing stops for 10 seconds or more during sleep. It puts stress on the heart. Blood pressure, which usually drops at night, can actually increase and increase levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. This increases the stress on the heart. Because- he has to work harder to keep the blood pressure normal.
Researchers have found, “Sleep apnea increases inflammation, changes the walls of blood vessels, and causes abnormal heart rhythms. All these can lead to sudden cardiac arrest and even death.”
Risk of sudden cardiac death
Some patients may have a rare heart rhythm disorder called sick sinus syndrome. It affects the natural pacemaker or sinus node that controls the heartbeat of the heart. Sick sinus syndrome causes a slow heartbeat, a lengthening of the time between heartbeats, or irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). It is usually associated with genetic abnormalities; Which changes the proteins involved in generating electrical activity in the heart.
Researchers found, “A neurochemical slows heart rate in healthy individuals. But, in patients with sinus syndrome, it can completely block the electrical activity across the heart; Which causes a sudden heart attack.
Do you have insomnia?
Another reason is insomnia; which is associated with high blood pressure. A persistently elevated level of blood pressure puts pressure on the heart. “People with insomnia are 1.69 times more likely to have a heart attack,” a study in the Journal of Clinical Cardiology found.
How to prevent heart attack at night?
The easiest way to do this is to regularly check for risk factors. If they exist, treat them with medication; Also make lifestyle changes (this means eating a healthy diet, losing weight, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol intake and quitting smoking). Always get a good night’s sleep and keep yourself hydrated before bed
Source: Marathi