The eye disease known as glaucoma, which often occurs with advancing age, can be counteracted with a little more weight.
- what is Green Star?
- What does my Weight with glaucoma to do?
- How can I Detect glaucoma early?
Green Starmedical glaucoma called, is a common eye diseasewhich often occurs in old age and can lead to blindness. A study has shown that underweight people are more likely to suffer from itwhile a slightly increased body mass index can protect against the disease. A early diagnosis Regular eye examinations are important because glaucoma often begins without symptoms. Treatment options include eye drops and laser procedures.
What is glaucoma?
The Green Star is a popularly known eye disease. The medical term is “glaucoma“. It refers to a Increase in intraocular pressure.
Glaucoma can express themselves differently. The increased pressure usually leads to a Damage to the optic nerveas well as in the further course of the disease characteristic visual field defectsGlaucoma is also considered second most common cause of blindness in Germany.
Glaucoma develops more frequently People over 40 yearsIn industrialized countries, it is estimated that about 2 out of 100 people over 40 years get glaucoma. While in the so-called Narrow-angle glaucoma massive visual impairment immediately use, the Open-angle glaucoma slow. The second variant is in over 90 percent of the cases the diagnosis.
What does my weight have to do with glaucoma?
An Australian and US study has found that especially slim people more often from glaucoma This refers to the frequent Open-angle glaucoma.
The study shows that the lower the body mass index wasthe more common eye disease was diagnosed. The Loss of visual field occurred more quickly compared to non-underweight people. slightly increased BMI is probably helpful in reducing the risk of glaucoma.
Important: The persons to be examined were underweight peoplePeople with normal or slightly overweight weight were not affected. Further research is needed to determine whether the underweight are more susceptible to eye disease or to diseases in general.
How can I detect glaucoma early?
For early diagnosis of glaucoma, a ophthalmological examination devices. From the age of 40 at the latest should this regularly For example, People with a hereditary predisposition and severely short-sighted should start the checks earlier.
It is important to know that glaucoma can be a long-term problem for the affected not visible The disease is usually not accompanied by pain or severe visual impairment. Ophthalmological However, glaucoma can be detected early.
Will the glaucoma discovered in timethe disease can be caused by eye drop under control. Laser procedures can help the Visual field loss If the diagnosis is made late, severe visual impairment can result.
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Source: German