Takashi Yoshimura (44) of Heisei Nobushikobushi, a comedian affiliated with Yoshimoto Kogyo, was recently appointed as an “outside director” of “Yappari Steak,” which is operated by D’s Planning (Naha City, CEO Yoshimoto Okura). He will use his own character to promote the appeal of the store, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2025, in an “unconventional way.”
Mr. Yoshimura is from Hokkaido. We will continue to develop products using Hokkaido ingredients such as potatoes. “We want the North and South to team up and spread entertainment and gourmet food from Hokkaido and Okinawa to the world,” he said with enthusiasm.
Representative Yoshimoto revealed the reason for appointing him: “As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we wanted to do something interesting, and we asked for someone who is unconventional.”
As the first part of the collaboration project, 500 people will be randomly selected to win meal tickets worth a total of 1 million yen until the 16th. To apply, please use Steak’s official LINE. Mr. Yoshimura visited a store in Naha City on the 3rd and sampled the steak. “It’s delicious, but it’s too cheap, so as a director, I’m going to raise the price,” he said, demonstrating his “unprecedented” attitude. (Politics and Economics Department, Ai Okawa)
Source: Japanese