The Shikoku Block League, in which high school students under the age of 18 aim to become the number one basketball player in Shikoku, began on the 28th in Iyo City, Ehime Prefecture.
The “U18 Nissin Foods Shikoku Block League Basketball Tournament” began on the 28th at the Iyo Municipal Gymnasium.
Sponsored by the Japan Basketball Association with the aim of developing and strengthening high school students under the age of 18, league games are held in nine blocks across the country.
The Shikoku block league matches will feature two male and female teams from strong schools from the four prefectures of Shikoku. From Ehime, the prefectural 1st and 2nd place boys were Nitta and Matsuyama Kogyo, and the girls were St. Catherine and Sami, and it was a heated battle.
The game will be held on the 29th to determine the top high school basketball player in Shikoku.
Source: Japanese