The final episode of the variety show “Johnson” (every Monday at 9:00 p.m.), which features comedy duos Kamaitachi, Mog Rider, Okamizu, and New York, will be broadcast on September 30th. From the opening talk, the self-deprecating talk jumped out.

[Photo]The first broadcast was…The “comedian sports day” was very popular in “Lincoln” and they struggled.

The game starts with all three groups, excluding Kamaitachi, in the conference room. “Have you run out of budget?” they laughed as the Kamais appeared. This time, they announced that they would be planning a project using the members’ joint savings of 2.5 million yen, and Ryuichi Hamaie said, “TBS is scary too, and they’re going to do it with four groups that failed once,” and went to New York. “Don’t talk on the radio when you’re not sure of your true intentions (lol),” he said with a tsukkomi.

The program started last October as a successor to “Lincoln,” which aired from 2005 to 2013, with the concept of “a program by comedians for comedians.” With the motto of “Beyond seriousness, there is laughter,” they have taken on projects that have a proven track record, such as the comedian’s sports day that gained popularity in “Lincoln,” as well as various new projects that can only be seen on TV.

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