Speedtest for Android and iOS: The 3 best apps for your smartphone

Speedtest for Android and iOS: The 3 best apps for your smartphone


The best way to check the data transfer speed you can achieve with your Android or iOS device is to use an appropriate app, regardless of whether it is an LTE speed test or a test for 5G or WLAN. We have put together the best speed test apps for Android and iOS for you.

Speed ​​tests for checking internet speeds on computers have long been popular, but apps that test the speed of the Wi-Fi or mobile data connection are now also available for Android and iOS devices. However, caution is advised when testing the mobile data connection if you are using a volume tariff, because data transfers naturally occur during the test. Therefore, in this case, you should not test your internet speed too often. But now to the best Speedtest apps for Android and iOS.

Table of contents
  1. 1.The Ookla speed test app
  2. 2.5GMARK: Speedtest app with advanced features
  3. 3.The speed test app SpeedChecker

The Ookla speed test app

The speed test from the provider Ookla is quite popular on the PC and also serves well as a speed test app for Android and iOS. The test takes about 30 seconds and then delivers good results. In addition to the download and upload speed, the ping time is also measured and the app provides real-time graphics on connection stability.

You can download the Ookla speed test app for Android and iOS here:

5GMARK: Speedtest app with advanced features

The 5GMARK app offers a slightly larger range of functions than the Ookla speed test. In addition to the obligatory speed test of your connection, the app allows you to find out how your connection behaves under certain conditions and how this affects the transmission speed. You can then compare the results with results from users in your country, region or smartphone. You can also set up your own test scenarios with 5GMARK.

5GMARK is also available for Android and iOS:

The speed test app SpeedChecker

The SpeedChecker app measures your internet speed on the WiFi or mobile network easily, quickly and accurately. Upstream, downstream and ping are also supported. You can save the values ​​achieved by your connection for later use and if you want, you can share your results on social networks.

SpeedCheck is also available for Android and iOS:

Source: German