Photovoltaics and wind power are already the cheapest sources of electricity in Germany – even with battery storage. Coal and gas can pack up. But what does that mean for our energy future?
Sun and wind: the unbeatable electricity price breakers
According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), open-space PV systems and onshore wind farms produce electricity for 4.1 to 9.2 cents per kilowatt hour. This makes them not only among renewable energies, but the cost winners among all power plant types. Even PV systems with battery storage can keep up with 6.0 to 22.5 cents per kWh (source: Fraunhofer ISE).
Dr. Christoph Kost from Fraunhofer ISE sees this as a confirmation of current major projects that Combination of PV, wind and battery storage is therefore a good investment. These hybrid power plants can make better use of grid capacities and thus accelerate the energy transition.
The future will be even cheaper and more flexible
The costs for renewable energies are expected to continue to fall by 2045. Small PV rooftop systems could then produce electricity for 4.9 to 10.4 cents per kWh, and open-space systems for as much as 3.1 to 5.0 cents. Even small PV battery systems could cost 7 to 19 cents per kWh – assuming battery prices fall as expected.
Nevertheless, flexible backup power plants are needed to ensure security of supply. Hydrogen-powered gas power plants could take on this role, but at 23.6 to 43.3 cents per kWh they are significantly more expensive. Paul Müller from Fraunhofer ISE explains: “We need them as an important addition. However, their operation will be limited to the bare minimum.” He expects 1,000 to 2,000 operating hours in 2045.
The study shows that the energy transition is not only ecologically sensible, but also economically attractive. In order for everyone in Germany to benefit from it, political will is now required. rapid expansion of renewable energies and selective additions for a stable electricity mix. This reality must also be accepted by those who oppose the expansion, even if only to quickly grab a few votes.
This article was created using AI tools and reviewed by the editorial team.
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Source: German