Sheikh Meshaal Ahmed Al-Sabah became the new Emir of Kuwait

Sheikh Meshaal Ahmed Al-Sabah became the new Emir of Kuwait

Sheikh Meshaal Ahmed Al-Sabah became the new Emir of Kuwait on Saturday, December 16 (Lindi 25) after the death of his brother, Sheikh Nawaf Ahmad Al-Sabah.

Sheikh Meshaal Ahmad Al-Sabah, 83, has been taking over his elder brother’s responsibilities since 2021, when he was relieved of most of his duties in Kuwait, and has now officially succeeded him.

He has spent most of his career building Kuwait’s security and defense infrastructure.

Sheikh Nawaf became the crown prince in 2006 and after the death of his brother Sheikh Sabah in September 2020, who ruled for more than a decade and was responsible for the foreign policy of the Persian Gulf country for more than a decade. He became rich instead. The news of the death of 86-year-old Sheikh Nawaf was announced by the Kuwaiti court on Saturday, December 16.

Diplomats considered Sheikh Nawaf a pro-unity figure, but most of his reign was spent in disagreements between the government and the parliament.

In the first two years of Sheikh Nawaf’s rule, eight governments were dissolved and formed, and three parliamentary elections were held, which, according to experts, prevented important structural reforms in Kuwait.

Kuwait has the seventh largest oil reserves in the world and Sheikh Nawaf made a lot of efforts to establish relations with neighboring countries after taking power.

According to Kuwait’s constitution, after the emir’s death, the crown prince takes his place, but takes power after being sworn in by parliament. The new emir has up to a year to choose his successor.

Analysts and diplomats say that Sheikh Meshaal, like his brother, prioritizes the policy of close relations with Saudi Arabia.
A Kuwaiti source said that Sheikh Meshaal is worried about the situation in the region and is afraid of the spread of war in the region. Emphasis on Kuwait’s relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Before handing over many of his legal duties to his heir-apparent, Sheikh Nawaf has attempted to smooth over domestic political rifts, including issuing amnesty to opposition figures who have long sided with him. were looking for

However, the political crisis within the country was not resolved and Sheikh Meshaal tried to end the political conflict by dissolving the parliament and holding early elections in June.

Kuwait does not allow political parties, but is considered more liberal than other neighboring countries and has a parliament that includes Sunnis, Shiites, liberals and Islamists.

Sheikh Meshaal is the seventh son of the former ruler of Kuwait, Ahmed Jaber Al-Sabah, whose three brothers ruled the Persian Gulf country before him. He has five sons and seven daughters.

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