Securely delete sensitive data with the CCleaner hard drive wiper

Securely delete sensitive data with the CCleaner hard drive wiper


Files deleted using conventional means can then be restored using special programs, which can be problematic in terms of data protection. With the CCleaner hard drive wiper you have the opportunity to securely delete files so that they cannot be restored.

If you delete files using the normal Windows tools, the storage space they previously occupied is released again, but the data can still be restored afterwards using special programs. While it may be desirable to recover accidentally deleted files using a program such as Recuva, this can be problematic when it comes to sensitive data.

For example, if you sell your computer, you have no interest in the new owner being able to restore deleted login data, for example. It is therefore advisable to use a program to delete sensitive data that can delete it securely, i.e. permanently and without the possibility of recovery.

CCleaner hard drive wiper: how it works and how to use it

With its hard drive wiper module, CCleaner offers an efficient way to securely delete data. To do this, it overwrites CCleaner hard drive wiper the free space on a data storage medium, so that there is no longer any possibility of recovering files previously deleted using conventional means. The Wiper module has been integrated into the program since version 3 and provides four modes for securely deleting files, which differ in how often the data to be deleted is overwritten and are all under “Extras” and “Hard Disk Wiper”. can be found on the CCleaner interface.

Offered are simple overwriting (one pass), advanced overwriting (three passes), complex overwriting (seven passes) and very complex overwriting (35 passes). The more often the deleted data is overwritten, the more securely the data is erased, however, as the number of overwrites increases, so does the time the process takes.

Be careful when deleting the entire drive

The CCleaner hard drive wiper is preset so that only the free space on the selected data carrier is securely deleted. There is also the option of deleting the entire drive with all data, but this of course means that all data on the drive is permanently deleted and cannot be restored, which is why you should be very careful with this CCleaner Wiper feature.

The function cannot therefore be used for the boot drive. Incidentally, CCleaner’s hard drive wiper can also be run when using the CCleaner Cleaner module by checking the appropriate box under “Windows” and “Advanced”. The hard drive wiper can also be configured additionally under the CCleaner settings.

Source: German