Resident Evil 4 Remake: Solve lithography stone puzzles in bookbinding

Resident Evil 4 Remake: Solve lithography stone puzzles in bookbinding


During Chapter 8 in the Resident Evil 4 Remake you will come to a wall in the bookbinding shop with four bulges in which you have to place lithography stones correctly so that the wall shifts and you can move forward. At this point we will show you the solution to this puzzle and the locations of the stone tablets.

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Table of contents
  1. 1.Find lithographic stones on Assisted/Standard
  2. 2.Find lithography stones on Veteran/Professional
  3. 3.Place lithography stones correctly

Find lithographic stones on Assisted/Standard

The first part of the puzzle is to find the missing three lithographic stones in the bookbinding workshopbecause there is only one stone in the wall with bulges. The room isn’t too big. The stone tablets can be found in the following locations:

  • Lithography stone B: Lies on the bookshelf directly to the left of the wall with the four bulges.
  • Lithography stone C: Located by the other gray stone slabs in the southeast corner of the room.
  • Lithography stone D: Located behind the glass display case in the southwest corner of the room.

Find lithography stones on Veteran/Professional

If you play on the two higher levels of difficulty, Veteran or Professional, the stone tablets are in other places in the room.

  • Lithography stone B: Lies in the cauldron by the fireplace.
  • Lithography stone C: It is hidden on the covered furniture to the left of the glass display case.
  • Lithography stone D: Lies on the chair of the desk in the southeast corner.

Place lithography stones correctly

Placing the stones and finding the correct solution is again the same on all levels of difficulty. Each lithographic stone has a symbol with color and frame on the top and bottom and you have to sort them according to the symbols on the inside. However, some symbols and frames can only be partially recognized.

If you have problems with the solution, you can see the correct solution in the following image:

Solution to the lithographic stone puzzle (Source: Screenshot GIGA).
Solution to the lithographic stone puzzle (© Screenshot GIGA)

Once you have found the right solution, there will be a short delay before the wall in front of you shifts and you can advance further into the castle.

Source: German