Pinched sciatic nerve: Why you can’t ignore pain from your back to your feet

Pinched sciatic nerve: Why you can’t ignore pain from your back to your feet


When the sciatic nerve is pinched, a variety of symptoms can occur. It is usually noticeable through pain and restricted movement.

The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the human body. It arises from the spinal cord, runs through the pelvis and along the backs of the legs down to the foot. If the sciatica trapped it can be very uncomfortable. One Variety from symptoms indicate a blocked sciatic nerve.

Pinched sciatic nerve: pain from back to feet

The sciatica arises the lower one spine, from the junction of the nerve roots L4 to S3. The nerve runs through a hole in the pelvic bone, the sciatic foramen, into the legs. Not only the thigh, but also the lower leg and parts of the foot are controlled by the sciatica. Because of that Nerve so big and of considerable length, it is also special at the same time endangered for irritation. It can be clamped by other binding material, for example Herniated discsmuscle tension or Changes the Bone structure in the spine area.

The symptoms, caused by a pinched sciatic nerve are very different. As a rule, they depend on where and how severely the nerve is pinched. This is how it can happen Pains come in the lower back. Mostly begins this one in Lumbar area and then radiates to other regions. The pain can dull and persistent be or stabbing, burning and suddenly or occur in waves. The pain can radiate down the entire nerve. From the lower back over the buttocks to the backs of the legs, some of them can Pains even down to your feet shine.

In addition to the pain, it can numbness or Tingle in the affected areas. Pain and numbness are usually localized in the same regions. Anything from tingling to complete numbness is possible. Through one pinched nerve that can too Muscle function impaired become. For example, the hip flexors in the legs can be affected, and the muscle can no longer be controlled without problems. Muscle weakness and one limited mobility can arise from this.

Other symptoms

Is the sciatic nerve pinched, can Reflexes of the affected leg, for example, may also be restricted. A reflexive motor control of the muscles is then just as conscious sensory control the muscles no longer possible. Typical in this context is one lack of Achilles tendon reflex. The combination of muscle weakness and numbness can cause this Gait pattern of affected persons change, it comes to Running disorders.

It is often observed that… Pain with certain movements or postures worsen or even improve. Bending, lifting or rotating the upper body as well as sitting for long periods of time The symptoms usually worsen. When you sneeze or cough, the pressure in your abdomen increases, which can also be painful if you have a pinched sciatic nerve.

In rare cases, a pinched sciatic nerve can also lead to a disturbed bladder or bowel function lead. This usually happens rarely and only when the Nerve very badly crushed becomes. These cases constitute and must be considered a medical emergency as quickly as possible must be treated, otherwise the nerve could suffer long-term damage.

Diagnostics and therapy

To one pinched sciatic nerve to diagnose, A physical examination is carried out in which various functions of the sciatic nerve are checked. Additionally can imaging procedures can be used to identify the exact cause of the pinched nerve. Next to one Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or one Computed tomography (CT) can also x-rayed become. So can Herniated discs or other changes in the surrounding structures can be detected.

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The subsequent ones Therapeutic measures depend on the respective cause. Often the symptoms can conservative be treated. Treatment usually consists of pain relief Painkillers in connection with an individual physiotherapy, which is intended to help reduce pressure on the nerve and improve the flexibility of the surrounding muscles. Also chiropractic treatments or Cortisone injections can be partially used; the latter especially when there is inflammation. Surgical intervention is usually only required in more severe neurological deficits.

The best Prevention is a healthy spine, as the cause of trapped sciatica is often found here. For a healthy spine regular exercise and the strengthening the Core muscles important. In addition, you should pay attention to good posture when lifting and sitting avoid sitting for long periods of time. Lay regular ones Movement breaks a.

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Source: German