Refer report
Melbourne ∙ Millpark St. Francis of Assisi Church celebrates the feast of St. Anthony the Wonderworker on June 7. On the feast day, the relic of St. Anthony brought from Padua will be raised from 6:00 p.m., followed by the novena of St. Anthony.
At 7:00 p.m., a solemn liturgical liturgy will be celebrated by Franciscan priests, followed by a candlelit procession around the church carrying the image of the saint, carrying colorful beads. Facilities for worshiping the relics of the saint have also been established. The celebrations will conclude with a love feast in the parish hall.
Believers from various Christian communities in Melbourne are leading the celebration of Saint Anthony together.
Address: St. Francis of Assisi Church,
290 Childs Road, Millpark
News: Paul Sebastian
Source: Malayalam