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Men, don’t watch your hair fall out! The solution is right in the kitchen

Men, don’t watch your hair fall out! The solution is right in the kitchen

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Hair loss happens to everyone regardless of gender. But women will try hard to solve it. But men don’t even pretend to see it. All the hair at the end will fall out and become bald. One of the biggest problems with hair loss is that it makes you look older. Especially for men. A twenty-year-old can turn into a forty-year-old in an instant. But what is the solution? Start treating hair loss as soon as you notice it. There are many solutions in your kitchen to prevent hair fall.

Let’s start by massaging first

Stress is the main cause of male pattern baldness. Similarly, the changing lifestyle also causes a lot of hair loss. At least once a week, care should be taken to give proper care to the hair. For this you can start with massage. This can be done daily after work rather than once a week. It will help you get rid of all the tension of the day. Massage is very good for hair as well as scalp. It helps in straightening the hair follicles by increasing the blood flow. Massage can be done using any oil. Coconut oil, rose mary oil or almond oil can be used for this. It is also very good for hair growth.


Gooseberry is very beneficial for hair health. The phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals present in gooseberry help increase blood circulation to the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. For this, grind two gooseberries. Then add some curd and apply it on the scalp. Wash off after half an hour. This pack helps in controlling dandruff and hair fall. It can be used once or twice a week.


Fenugreek is hair’s best friend. Fenugreek helps to get rid of many problems like dandruff and hair loss. The iron and protein it contains are very important for hair. These are good for hair growth. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in plain water or porridge water. The next morning you can grind it and apply it on your hair. Wash off after 20 minutes. You can wash your hair with a mild shampoo if you want to avoid the smell.

Onion juice

Onion is an ingredient used in hair care since ancient times. These are another important ingredient to reverse hair fall. The sulfur present in it is very helpful in preventing hair fall and making hair grow well. It is also great for boosting collagen production. Peel and clean two onions. Then cut the onion into small pieces. Then put them in the mixer and extract the juice. This juice can be applied well on the scalp and hair. After half an hour wash with any mild shampoo. If you do this twice or thrice a week, you will get rid of hair loss and your hair will grow.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera helps prevent dandruff and hair fall and promotes hair growth. Aloe contains proteolytic enzymes. This promotes healthy hair growth. If you want you can apply aloe vera gel directly on the scalp and massage it. Or mixing it with other ingredients and rubbing it on the hair also helps in hair growth. Adding fenugreek seeds along with aloe vera gives better results. Add aloe vera and overnight soaked fenugreek seeds and grind it well. Apply it on your hair and scalp and wash off after 20 minutes. Doing this once or twice a week will stop hair fall.

Source: Malayalam

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