If you want to do something good for your liver, you should do a detoxification treatment once a year. Certain foods are particularly suitable for this.
The liver plays a central role in our body and has a variety of tasks. For example, it supports digestion by producing bile and utilizes various nutrients, including Fats, proteins, vitamins and mineralsto supply the body with energy. However, one of its most important functions is the detoxification.
The liver breaks down harmful substances such as Alcohol, nicotine, medication or excess sugar Bacteria and damaged cells are also removed by the liver. A healthy lifestyle therefore has a direct impact on the liver – in the worst case, this can result in fatty liver.
Detoxify your liver – ideally with these foods
Liver health and quality of life are directly related. The liver is a silent patient and cannot hurt itself. Stress on the metabolic organ manifests itself in other ways – for example in the form of tiredness, headaches and back pain, skin problems or digestive disorders.
To prevent serious liver disease, experts recommend that the organ a detoxification treatment once a year If that is too much effort for you, you can at least do something good for your liver with the following foods.
#1 Grapefruit
The Grapefruit is rich in antioxidantsThese natural ingredients protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, which are created as intermediate products in the metabolic process. The vitamin C in the fruit in particular supports the cleansing of the liver and improves its function. The antioxidant glutathione removes heavy metals. In addition, the bitter substance naringenin contained in grapefruit helps to break down fat in the liver.
#2 Green tea
Green tea contributes – similar to grapefruit – to liver health. Antioxidants such as catachins promote the breakdown of fat in the liver, which is why green tea can also be helpful in losing weight and preventing fatty liver.
#3 Garlic
Another Antioxidant supplier is garlicBut it does not only promote liver detoxification through compounds such as allicin and selenium. Garlic also activates liver enzymes that are responsible for breaking down toxins. Regular consumption of garlic is also said to lower blood fat levels (e.g. cholesterol).
#4 Walnuts
Nuts are considered “brain food”. In addition to concentration, they also promote liver function. Breakdown of protein Toxic ammonia is produced in the body. The liver has to convert this into urea so that it can ultimately be excreted in the urine. The substance arginine contained in walnuts supports this process. The same applies to lentils. Incidentally, nuts also slow down weight gain in old age.
Book tip: Plain text nutrition – How food prevents and heals
#5 Cabbage
Cabbage can also neutralize toxinsIn all its forms, it helps to break down nitrosamines that are produced when smoking. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, radishes and radishes are good for the liver.
#6 Leafy vegetables
The liver is known to struggle with heavy metals. Spinach, rocket and the like help against this and also stimulate the production of bile.
#7 Tomatoes
The Metabolic organ is a big fan of vegetables. Tomatoes In addition to the well-known antioxidant glutathione, they provide the liver with a lot of water and therefore have a detoxifying effect.
#8 Avocado
Avocado are a real all-rounder when it comes to supporting the liver: They contain glutathione for detoxification as well as vitamins and minerals that stimulate digestion and the breakdown of liver fat. The super fruit is particularly known for its unsaturated fatty acids. These help to lower cholesterol levels.
#9 Lemon juice
Because of their high content of Vitamin C Lemons are often used for health purposes – mostly in the form of hot lemon juiceIn the liver, the vitamin stimulates the production of digestive enzymes. Bile function and intestinal activity are supported. Lemons also help the liver to absorb more minerals and the body’s pH value is therefore more balanced.
#10 Beetroot
The juice of Beetroot is often used for coloring. In fact, the colorants beta-carotene and flavonoids contained in the vegetable also promote the function and detoxification of the liver. In addition, beetroot is said to improve the blood flow. It is said to lower blood pressure, Production of red blood cells and the Blood circulation in the brain improve.
#11 Turmeric
It gets even more colorful: turmeric is currently on everyone’s lips. The bright yellow spice is said to be detoxifying and anti-inflammatory and to offer protection against many types of cancer – including in the liver. We have summarized how healthy it really is here.
This article contains general information on the relevant health topic. It is not intended for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or medication. This article can in no way replace a visit to the doctor. Individual questions about medical conditions should always be answered by an expert.
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Source: German