“Laughing Matryoshka” final episode airs on September 6th Synopsis Michigami (Asami Mizukawa) feels a sense of fulfillment in Seike (Sho Sakurai) absorbing her thoughts and putting them into words, but…

“Laughing Matryoshka” final episode airs on September 6th Synopsis Michigami (Asami Mizukawa) feels a sense of fulfillment in Seike (Sho Sakurai) absorbing her thoughts and putting them into words, but…
“Laughing Matryoshka” final episode (episode 11) Kanae Michigami (Asami Mizukawa) and Ichiro Seike (Sho Sakurai) (C) TBS

The final episode (episode 11) of the TV drama “Laughing Matryoshka” (TBS), starring actress Mizukawa Asami, will be broadcast on the 6th.

This human political suspense drama is based on the novel of the same name published in 2021 by Hayami Kazuma, who has won numerous awards including the Mystery Writers of Japan Award and the Yamamoto Shugoro Prize. Kanae Michigami (Mizukawa), a newspaper reporter who feels something is off about the strange relationship between Ichiro Seike (Sakurai Sho), a young politician who is popular for his striking smile and liberal words and actions, and his high school classmate and secretary, Toshiya Suzuki (Tamayama Tetsuji), approaches the dark darkness that surrounds the two.

Looking back at episode 10 of “Laughing Matryoshka”

While Michigami is convinced that the suspicious accidental deaths of Michigami’s father, Kanetaka (Watanabe Ikkei), and others who were investigating the “BG Stock Incident,” a bribery case suspected to involve a current cabinet minister, and the disappearances of those involved, were all orchestrated by his biological mother, Hiroko (Takaoka Saki), in order to advance Seike’s career, Seike becomes Chief Cabinet Secretary. Meanwhile, a subordinate of the ruling party’s number two Foreign Minister, Morohashi Ikuo (Yajima Kenichi), confesses that it was Morohashi who gave the orders for the BG Stock Incident, so Prime Minister Hanyu Masafumi (Otaka Akira) sends Morohashi into hiding, citing poor health as the reason.

Meanwhile, Michigami, who had heard Hiroko’s tragic upbringing directly, urged her to believe that she possessed tapes that were evidence of the BG stock scandal and that she must have been involved in concealing information. He then questioned why Seike had sent Suzuki the paper on Hitler and Erik Jan Hanussen that she had written as a student, but Hiroko denied it, saying, “I didn’t send it.” Suzuki insisted that Hiroko had definitely brought the paper back with her when Seike was first elected to the House of Representatives and moved into the Diet member’s accommodation. Michigami pointed his suspicions at Tadokoro Reiko (Wada Misa), who works as a helper for Hiroko’s current husband, Komatsu Masashige (Horiuchi Masami), as another person who could have sent the paper.

Source: Japanese