Kansai Electric Power Co., which is now operating all of its nuclear power plants for the first time since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, is holding a general shareholders’ meeting.
Kansai Electric Power Company held its general shareholders meeting in Osaka City on June 26th. All seven of its nuclear power plants are now operational, and the company achieved its highest-ever net profit last fiscal year.
On the other hand, regarding the “spent nuclear fuel” accumulating at the nuclear power plant, the government has proposed setting up dry storage facilities on the plant site and then transporting it outside the prefecture, which has raised concerns from shareholders about safety.
(A shareholder who evacuated from the Fukushima nuclear accident) “If an accident were to occur, and Lake Biwa were to be polluted, the Kansai region would become uninhabitable. We would not be able to coexist with any nuclear power plant, not just old ones, but new ones as well.”
Shareholder proposals calling for the phasing out of nuclear power are also being discussed.
Source: Japanese