Traffic Enforcement Information for June 27th (Thursday)

Kochi Police Station: Speeding
Kochi Minami Police Station: Mobile phone
Kochi Higashi Police Station: Pedestrian obstruction
Muroto Police Station…Ignoring traffic signals
Aki Police Station…seat belt
Nankoku Station…temporarily suspended
Tosa Police Station: Bicycle Enforcement
Sagawa Police Station…Temporarily halted
Susaki Police Station: Railroad crossing failure to stop
Kubokawa Police Station…seat belt
Nakamura Police Station… seat belt
Sukumo Police Station…Temporarily halted

Kochi Police Station…Temporarily halted
Kochi Minami Police Station: Speeding
Kochi Higashi Police Station…Temporarily halted
Muroto Police Station…Ignoring traffic signals
Aki Police Station…Temporarily halted
Nankoku Police Station…Speeding
Tosa Police Station: Bicycle Enforcement
Sagawa Police Station: Pedestrian obstruction
Susaki Police Station…Temporarily halted
Kubokawa Police Station…Temporarily Stop
Nakamura Police Station…Ignoring traffic signals
Sukumo Police Station: Mobile phone

This is the enforcement plan that each police station will focus on for the day. This plan lists the types of traffic enforcement that are planned, and may be subject to change due to the occurrence of incidents and accidents, bad weather, etc.

Kochi Prefectural Police Headquarters Announcement June 1, 2024