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Joint Feast of the Holy Mother and Saint Anna in Bolton on 6th, 7th and 8th September

Joint Feast of the Holy Mother and Saint Anna in Bolton on 6th, 7th and 8th September

Refer Report

Bolton – Under the auspices of Bolton St. Ann’s Syro Malabar Mission, the combined feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the parish intercessor of St. Anna will be celebrated on September 6, 7, 8 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Bolton Fanworth.

On Friday, September 6, at 6.45 pm, Our Lady of Lourdes Church Vicar Rev. Fr. The devotional celebrations will begin with David Chinari officiating the flag. Then, Great Britain Syro-Malabar Diocese in charge of Canaan community, Rev. Fr. Holy Communion will be offered under the leadership of Suni Vishkekara. St. Ann’s Mission Director Rev. Fr. Rev. John Pulintanath, Associate Director. Fr. Stanto Vashiparampil and will be the collaborators.

On September 7, the second day of the feast, at 6:30 p.m., Fr. Holy Mass (English) will be celebrated by David Chinari. Fr. Stanto will be a co-worker along the way.

Thirunal mass celebrated on the main day of September 8 at 11.30 am. Director of Syro Malabar Blackburn and Blackpool Missions Rev. Fr. Joseph will be the chief worker in Keeramdatta. After the Holy Mass, a celebratory Thirunal Pradakshina carrying the relics of V Anna will be held. After the circumnavigation, there will be facilities for Moodi Nesha and Kukunnunnullapi. The feast will end with the love feast that follows.

Mission Director Rev. Fr. John Fr. Rev. John Pulintanath, Associate Director. Fr. The organizers informed that various committees are working under the leadership of the hands Jomi Xavier and Sabu Joseph in Stanto Vashiparam and all are cordially invited to participate in the Tirunal rituals and obtain the blessings of God through the intercession of Holy Mother and Saint Anna.

Source: Malayalam

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