However, currently, the implementation of public service activities serving the development of science, technology and innovation has many shortcomings, unprecedented in Vietnam, such as: Costs are many times greater than with current standards and norms; Payment/settlement methods are no longer consistent with reality… Therefore, it is required to build economic and technical norms of public service services to serve the development of science, technology and innovation ecosystems. Creating a nation is especially necessary and urgent.
In that context, the Ministry of Science and Technology has issued Circular 21/2023/TT-BKHCN on economic and technical norms for public service services using state budget for performance assessment services. technological level and capacity; support services for building a technological innovation roadmap; technology innovation support services; technology transfer support services. This Circular takes effect from January 6, 2024.
The above Circular promulgates 4 economic – technical norms for public service services using state budget for technology level and capacity assessment services; support services for building a technological innovation roadmap; technology innovation support services; technology transfer support services. Services are specifically regulated in Circular No. 21/2019/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology issued on December 18, 2019 regulating the process of building economic – technical norms for civil service services. Industrial industry using the state budget falls under the state management of the Ministry of Science and Technology; detailed regulations in the Appendix to this Circular.
Specifically, the economic – technical norms for public service services using the state budget for services assessing technological levels and capabilities are the economic – technical norms for services performing activities. Assessing technology levels and capabilities, including consulting services to assess technological capabilities in economic fields and sectors, and support the development of a technological innovation roadmap; Technology assessment, which evaluates technology level, technology absorption capacity, technology innovation capacity, technology creativity capacity…
Economic – technical norms for public service services using state budget for support services in building a technological innovation roadmap are economic – technical norms for support services for construction activities. Build a technology roadmap. It is a consulting service to evaluate technological capacity in economic fields and sectors, and support the development of a technological innovation roadmap.
Economic – technical norms for public service services using state budget for technological innovation support services are economic – technical norms for support services for technological innovation activities. It is a consulting and technical support service for organizations and individuals in technological innovation research.
Economic – technical norms for public service services using state budget for technology transfer support services are economic – technical norms for support services for technology transfer activities. These are technology assessment, reception, and technology transfer services in the field of science and technology; support technology transfer; Brokerage consulting, connecting supply and demand, buying and selling technology, and transferring technology.
According to the provisions of Article 14 of Circular No. 21/2019/TT-BKHCN dated December 18, 2019 of the Minister of Science and Technology, economic – technical norms for public service services include 3 achievement norms. Basic part: Labor norms, equipment and machinery norms and material norms.
Labor norms are the necessary labor consumption levels of workers according to expertise and operations to complete the performance of a public service or to perform a work step in the process for assessment services. price level and technological capacity; support services for building a technological innovation roadmap; technology innovation support services; Technology transfer support services according to regulations.
Machinery and equipment norms are the necessary usage time for each type of machinery and equipment to complete the implementation of a public service using the state budget for qualifications assessment services and technological capacity; support services for building a technological innovation roadmap; technology innovation support services; technology transfer support services that meet the criteria and standards issued by competent authorities; The unit of calculation is shift, each shift corresponds to 8 working hours.
Material norms are the consumption levels of each type of raw material, fuel, and necessary supplies determined by type and quantity to complete the implementation of a public service using the state budget for the service. Assess technological level and capacity; support services for building a technological innovation roadmap; technology innovation support services; technology transfer support services that meet the criteria and standards issued by competent authorities.
Source: Vietnamese