If you use your wrist, you won’t miss a hit.
No matter how hard you try, the ball won’t fly unless the club head moves fast. You can maximize your head speed by increasing the size of the pendulum, or the amount of club momentum. To do this, you need to move and use your wrists a lot.
Many people seem to think that using the wrist makes the technique less reproducible, but that’s a misconception.
When using a hammer, we move our wrist unconsciously, yet are still able to hammer small nails straight in.
The reason why you don’t use your wrists when approaching or putting is because the ball flies too far, not because you can’t hit it. Rather, not using your wrists is an unnatural movement for the human body, and it actually makes it harder to repeat.
POINT: The wrist acts as a fulcrum to move the club, allowing the head to move.
In the case of a single pendulum, the momentum of the arm and the momentum of the club head are the same. By using the wrist, the momentum of the club head becomes larger relative to the momentum of the arm, and the head passes the grip firmly.
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OK: Use your wrist as if you were hitting it with a hammer.
When you use a hammer to drive a nail into the ground, you unconsciously use your wrist to efficiently transfer power to the nail. If you apply this to a swing, your hand will decelerate near the impact point, and the club head will overtake your hand.
NG: You can’t hit hard without a wrist pendulum
If your wrists are stiff, you won’t be able to hit the nail hard. If your wrists aren’t moving during the swing, the momentum of the club head won’t be large, and you won’t be able to increase your head speed.

Source: Japan