Health Special : Using jet spray…carefully!

Health Special : Using jet spray…carefully!

Refer Report

The use of jet sprays in the modern world for personal hygiene after defecation is nothing new. It should be said that this cleaning to be done while sitting is convenient and beneficial for health. When using the jet spray, hands do not come into direct contact with the anus, thus avoiding potential health hazards. However, even this jet spray may pose a health hazard!

Ayurveda has defined the anus as a mystery. Marma means that part of the body which is relatively delicate. As there is no covering of flesh or bone, the vessels or nerves are relatively close to the skin and vulnerable, and obviously injury there must be carefully avoided. Would it be appropriate to hit such a sensitive area as the anus with a jet of water from a spray that is in its name? Is that cold water hitting that delicate area? Such is the possibility and such are the experiences. especially in winter, when the dew in the air cools the water, the dry air makes the anus more dry and scaly; Then the cold water jet spray can be more irritating. Even those who are of pitta prakriti, i.e. soft-bodied, who have a relatively high circulation of warm blood in all their organs, this spray of jet spray is likely to injure the small blood vessels there and cause swelling of the anus, while the coldness and dryness of the anus in the members of thin-slender bodies of air nature. Rapid sprays of cold water can aggravate and cause anal fissures.

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Usually, a good quality jet sprayer is new and has a good spray of water coming out of it. But over time, some of the holes of the jet spray get clogged with fine particles of soil, so you increase the speed of the water thinking that the water spray is not coming properly. Then the water comes very fast through those holes and hits your anus. Some jet sprays hit the anus so hard that it stings even with water. If this happens repeatedly, the anus will be damaged and swollen, the small veins will swell up (piles), the veins will burst and bleed, the anus will become cold and dry, and it will become fissures.

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A quick touch of cold water can also be the cause of the anal fissures that plague you in the 21st century, writes the Sushruta Samhitas, written at least 1500 years before Christ. You say then stop the use of jet spray? No, be careful. Most importantly, plan for the water coming out of the jet spray to come at a gentle speed, so that it gently cleans the anus. Clean the jet spray every month to avoid clogging its pores. Warm water from a jet spray is best, otherwise sit in warm water and shake once a week. Apply oil, ghee, butter etc. to the anus while sleeping at night. These measures are sufficient to prevent anal fissures that cause the well-being to cry.

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Modern technology is time saving, fast and convenient but it also has another side. Ignoring it will not work.

Source: Marathi