German Fire Brigade Association new PMeV member
Participation in the expert network of the Federal Association of Professional Mobile Communications
Berlin (ots)
The German Fire Brigade Association (DFV) has joined the expert network of the Federal Association of Professional Mobile Communications (PMeV). DFV President Karl-Heinz Banse explains: “We want to use the expertise available in the PMeV and also incorporate it into our technical discussions. Numerous important stakeholders and partners in mission-critical mobile communications are represented in this association. The fire brigades are by far the largest user group in this area; fail-safe communication is of the utmost importance in the event of an emergency.”
The PMeV is an association of leading providers and users of communication systems and solutions for mission- and business-critical mobile communication. The aim of the DFV as a PMeV member is to coordinate the interests in various areas even more closely and to participate in each other both technically and strategically. The association is already a member of the DFV support group. A permanent integration of the PMeV into the work of the specialist committee for control centers and digitalization of the German fire services is currently being examined.
The DFV represents 1.3 million members of volunteer, youth, professional and company fire departments in 24,000 fire stations and fire stations nationwide. “We are delighted that the German Fire Brigade Association, the largest user group of mission-critical communication systems, is now represented in our association. We expect the DFV’s technical expertise to provide strong impetus from the user’s perspective for the further development of secure and highly available communication in Germany,” says Bernhard Klinger, Chairman of the PMeV, who is delighted to have gained this strong strategic partner for the association’s work. The PMeV brings together providers and users to jointly discuss the opportunities and risks of different solution approaches and concepts and to evaluate different technologies and technical solutions. It offers a forum for neutral, manufacturer-independent and cooperative dialogue.