Fridays for Future criticizes planned gas drilling off Borkum

Fridays for Future criticizes planned gas drilling off Borkum


Luisa Neubauer believes that Germany’s credibility in climate protection is at risk if gas drilling begins near the Wadden Sea. Important decisions are pending regarding the controversial project.

Climate activist Luisa Neubauer from Fridays for Future warns against the planned gas extraction off the North Sea island of Borkum. If the German government and the Netherlands approve the project, Germany’s credibility as a climate protection nation will “go completely overboard”, although other countries are expected to leave their fossil fuels in the ground, Neubauer told the Lower Saxony state parliament in Hanover.

“We are talking about the beginning of a new era of fossil exploitation in Germany,” said Neubauer, demanding: “Anyone who wants an energy transition cannot just start with solar and wind, they must also be prepared to stop fossil exploitation.” In addition, the gas project off Borkum endangers the Wadden Sea, a unique nature reserve and UNESCO World Heritage site.

Company plans to produce gas this year

The possible gas production off the coast of Borkum has been a controversial issue in Lower Saxony for years. The Dutch company One-Dyas wants to produce the first natural gas there at the end of 2024. State politics had made a U-turn on the issue in view of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. However, it is still unclear whether drilling will be permitted.

A decision is expected in the next few days as to whether the Lower Saxony State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology will approve the project. If approval is granted, the German Environmental Aid organization intends to file a lawsuit against it. In addition, an agreement between Germany and the Netherlands is required for the drilling.

From the state government’s point of view, the federal government therefore has the final say. In the traffic light coalition agreement of 2021, the SPD, Greens and FDP had agreed not to issue “any new permits for oil and gas drilling beyond the framework operating permits granted for the German North and Baltic Seas”.

Activists plan demonstration on Borkum

One-Dyas plans to build a production platform on Dutch territory around 23 kilometers northwest of Borkum. Gas will be produced in both Dutch and German territories, near the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park.

Fridays for Future is planning a demonstration on Borkum against this plan on Saturday afternoon. 50 participants have registered.

Source: German