[Free Supplement]Lin Youlin/Lam Wing Sam Literary Award My Favorite…”Guide to Cloud Community Life”

[Free Supplement]Lin Youlin/Lam Wing Sam Literary Award My Favorite…”Guide to Cloud Community Life”

(The 19th Short Essay Award. Su Ji)

◎Lin Youlin

In the community era, the perspective from the Internet cloud has eliminated the edges and corners, changing the way and emotions people get along with each other. Writing Place In Facebook communities, different people gather here for different reasons. They use the Facebook function “How are you feeling now?” and emoticons in posts to express their feelings conveniently and quickly. . Everyone’s sorrow for the recycling uncle who always showed up on time but is no longer here is as real and evanescent as the worry about how to deal with recycling in the future. What the author has done is not only to capture the contradictions of these emotions that come and go quickly, but also to believe that behind the virtual faces of the online community, there may be real faces. The author tried to pass through the heavy rain of crying expressions to see clearly the sad expressions on each person’s face, and established a connection with each other through every strand of rain. Even if it is difficult, I still want to extend the memory a little longer, keep the bubble of the moment for a while, preserve everything, and be the last person to forget. ●

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Source: China