Bukubu Okawa, a manga artist known for the popular manga “Pop Team Epic,” has updated his X and released an illustration of Tifa, a character from the popular game “Final Fantasy 7.”

[Image]Too naughty! Illustration drawn by the author of Tifa Popte with her thighs fully open.

In the illustration, Tifa can be seen wearing short shorts with her thighs fully open and looking embarrassed.

Fans commented, “Tifa is confirmed to be naughty even in Bukubu Sensei’s drawing style” “Bukubu Sensei’s Tifa is really cute LOVE” “Isn’t Bukubu Sensei’s Tifa too cute?!” “Official goods “It’s amazing how you can see Tifa-chan’s cute and profound outside and inside…Once again, Buku-chan is really good at it. It’s amazing.”

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