Demodex, also known as eyelash mites, are mites that live in the pores of the face. Elderly people and those who wear eye makeup are more likely to have these mites multiply on their eyelashes, which can cause various eye problems. We interviewed people about the symptoms of eyelash mites, which can easily be mistaken for hay fever.

A distinctively long and slender organism with a protrusion at the end.

This is a mite called Demodex, also known as the “eyelash mite” or “hair worm.” It is found in large numbers on the faces of healthy people, and research data has been published that shows that one in two adults have it infesting the eyelashes.
(※Hereafter referred to as “eyelash mites”)

They are approximately 0.4 mm in size and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Eyelash mites live in pores and sebaceous glands and feed on sebum, and are generally harmless.

However, in an unsanitary environment where their food source, sebum, is secreted in excess, they will multiply abnormally and cause various eye inflammations, such as allergic reactions and dry eyes.