Elden Ring: Perform “May learning light the way” at the Converted Edge Tower

Elden Ring: Perform “May learning light the way” at the Converted Edge Tower


In Elden Ring, you may have already stumbled upon the Converted Fringe Tower in the northeast of Liurnia. A seal at the entrance prevents you from entering and you must first solve the puzzle to enter. In this guide, we will explain what you need to access the tower.

We show you all the steps to solving the puzzle for the converted edge tower in the following video. Below is the guide in text form.

Find the “Erudition” emote

To break the seal at the Converted Edge Tower, you must perform the “Erudition” gesture with a specific piece of clothing. Let’s take care of the gesture first. You can get it from Wizard Thops in the Church of Irith, just after Castle Stormveil.

In order for him to teach you the gesture, you have to give him the Shimmerstone Key. However, there are two such keys and he will not accept the first one you find. In Raya Lucaria’s Academy you can find a second Shimmerstone Key (starting at 0:45 in the video above). This is located on one of the chandeliers under the roof of the first church you enter in this large dungeon.

To get here, you first have to fight your way through the academy. After the boss fight against the red wolf Radagon, you step out of the forum of debate onto a large square. Keep left here and you can make your way over the roofs of the academy. At the end, you can then jump onto the roof of the first large church and run through the windows onto the support beams under the roof. Below you you can then jump onto the chandelier with the key.

On this chandelier you will find the second Shimmerstone Key within the Academy (Elden Ring).
On this chandelier you will find the second Shimmerstone Key within the Academy (Elden Ring).

Now you can go back to the Church of Irith and give this key to Thops (starting at 1:21 in the video above). He will be extremely grateful and Gesture “ScholarshipBut be careful, if you give Thops the key, it will have drastic consequences for his fate. If you don’t want to know exactly what this is, skip the following spoiler notice.

Warning spoilers! If you give Thops the key, he will go to the academy himself and unfortunately die there. You will then discover his body after the rotating elevator just before the school classroom with the Place of Mercy. Don’t worry, you can loot his sound pearl, hand it in to the Twin Maiden Husks and still learn his spells.

Find the Shimmerstone Crown in the Academy

In addition to the gesture, you must also equip a special helmet to break the seal. More specifically, it works with the following head armors, all of which you can find in the Raya Lucaria Academy:

  • Shimmerstone Crown from House Karolos (From 2:13 above in the video)
  • Shimmerstone Crown from House Lazuli (From 3:13 above in the video)
  • Shimmerstone Crown of House Olivinus (From 4:34 above in the video)
  • Shimmerstone Crown from House Zwillingsweis (From 5:58 above in the video)

It also works with the Shimmerstone crown from Sellen. You get them at the end of their quest.

You need at least one of these shimmerstone crowns to solve the puzzle (Elden Ring).You need at least one of these shimmerstone crowns to solve the puzzle (Elden Ring).
You need at least one of these shimmerstone crowns to solve the puzzle (Elden Ring).

Break seal in converted tower

If you have both the gesture and one of the Shimmerstone Crowns, you can finally break the seal in the converted tower (starting at 6:58 in the video above). Equip the crown, stand in front of the seal and trigger the gesture. After a short delay, the Shimmerstone Crown begins to glow, the message “The seal of the Shimmerstone Tower has been lifted” appears, and the seal disappears.

Inside, after a few stairs, a magical monster out of the ground. Kill it and continue to make your way to the top of the tower. There you can get your Rewards You will receive:

  • Spell “Haima’s Cannon”: Fires an explosive magical projectile in a high arc (Requires Wisdom 25).
  • Spell “Haima’s Hammer”: Attacks with a magical great hammer (requires Wisdom 25).

You can watch all the steps of this tricky puzzle again in detail in the video above.

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Source: German