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Dragon’s Dogma 2: “The Magic of Books” – Grimoire for Trysha

Dragon’s Dogma 2: “The Magic of Books” – Grimoire for Trysha


Table of contents
  1. 1.Find Trysha and start “The Magic of Books”
  2. 2.6 Find grimoires or make fake ones
  3. 3.Fight or spare Trysha

Find Trysha and start “The Magic of Books”

Dragon's Dogma 2 Magic of the Books start
Follow the marked path from Melve to find Trysha and the mission “The Magic of Books”. (© Screenshot and editing GIGA)

6 Find grimoires or make fake ones

  1. “Let there be light”
  2. “Fulminant shield”
  3. “Death knell of the nation”
  4. “Howling Blizzard”
  5. “Sublime Earth”

Fight or spare Trysha

  1. Fight Trysha to the end: The mad magician dies and the reward at the end of “The Magic of Books” is smaller.
  2. Overpower and seize her so that she stays alive: As a reward, you will receive 2,000 XP and 3,000 G as well as a magic wand.

Source: German

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