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Dragon’s Dogma 2: “The Archmage’s Judgement” – Finding Grimoires

Dragon’s Dogma 2: “The Archmage’s Judgement” – Finding Grimoires


Table of contents
  1. 1.Enter Myrddin’s House
  2. 2.Bring 5 Grimoires to Myrddin
  3. 2.1.“Let there be light”
  4. 2.2.“Fulminant shield”
  5. 2.3.“Howling Snowstorm” & twice “Death Knell of the Nation”
  6. 2.4.“Sublime Earth”
  7. 3.Complete “The Archmage’s Verdict” and receive reward

Enter Myrddin’s House

“I will not extend hospitality to anyone without decency.”

Bring 5 Grimoires to Myrddin

  1. “Let there be light”
  2. “Fulminant shield”
  3. “Death knell of the nation”
  4. “Howling Blizzard”
  5. “Sublime Earth”

“Let there be light”

Dragon's Dogma 2 Let there be light
You can find the grimoire “Let there be light” on the first floor of Myrddin’s house. (© Screenshot GIGA)

“Fulminant shield”

Dragon's Dogma 2 Fulminant ShieldDragon's Dogma 2 Fulminant Shield
You can get “Fulminant Shield” from this merchant at the entrance to Melve. (© Screenshots and editing GIGA)

“Howling Snowstorm” & twice “Death Knell of the Nation”

Dragon's Dogma 2 Ultramarine WaterfallDragon's Dogma 2 Ultramarine Waterfall
At this point you will find the cave “Ultramarine Waterfall”. (© Screenshot and editing GIGA)
Dragon's Dogma 2 Death Knell and SnowstormDragon's Dogma 2 Death Knell and Snowstorm
The transition to level 2 of the waterfall cave is marked on the map. Go up there and look for a large room with this box. (© Screenshots and editing GIGA)

“Sublime Earth”

Complete “The Archmage’s Verdict” and receive reward

  • 2,100 XP
  • 11,000G
  • Ares Mprpho Robe (Magician’s Robe)

Source: German

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