Do you grind your teeth? This is how magnesium can help

Do you grind your teeth? This is how magnesium can help


Approximately one in five adults grinds their teeth. Anyone who suffers from so-called bruxism not only damages their teeth and jaws. The mineral magnesium can help and counteract this.

Many adults suffer from Grinding of teeththe so-called Bruxism. In this case, the teeth are usually pressed together unconsciously either during the day or at night. Stress, Sleep disorders and medication can be the cause, as can a family history or illness. Occurs bruxism permanently on, they can Teeth under the heavy load sufferjust like that Chewing muscles. Jaw cracking and jaw noises as well as muscle tension, headaches and jaw joint arthritis can result. About grinding teeth to prevent or mitigate ityou can replenish your magnesium levels through a healthy diet. Otherwise one can Bite splint help, as well targeted relaxation techniques. If you are already suffering from pain, you can Physiotherapy help.

How can magnesium help against teeth grinding?

The increased basic tension the muscles and the nervous systemwhich occurs when grinding teeth, usually has its Caused by a magnesium deficiency in the blood. Due to the deficiency, the chewing muscles tend to cramp, headaches, migraines and increased blood pressure can occur. One adequate magnesium intake can become one Decrease in symptoms lead.

Magnesium to take – view it directly here

Even if a direct connection between magnesium cannot be conclusively confirmedone can healthy diet with food containing magnesium help to supply your body adequately. Nuts and seeds contain a lot of magnesium. Also Bananas, whole grains and vegetables are recommended.

Otherwise offers a so-called Bite splintin particular for those affected by sleep bruxism, remedy. Targeted relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or autogenic training can help you relax and stop grinding your teeth to prevent. If you are already suffering from pain, you can Physiotherapy help.

What is teeth grinding?

When grinding your teeth, the so-called Bruxismwill be the Chewing muscles tense unconsciously and repeatedly. The teeth press or rub usually on top of each other, but they don’t have to. Most adults are affected by awake bruxism, which means they grind while awake. Otherwise there is sleep bruxism, in which those affected press their teeth together while sleeping.

Basically is Stress is a trigger for teeth grinding. If you are stressed, you automatically tense your muscles unconsciously. This applies to the facial and jaw muscles as well as the neck, shoulders and back. Most people are between the ages of 30 and 45 affected.

Otherwise there are others Causes for bruxism. Sleep disorders and medication can be triggers, as can the consumption of, for example Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. If teeth grinding is known in your family, it may be a problem Predisposition to be available. Also at certain diseasessuch as sleep apnea, bruxism can occur.

What are the consequences of grinding teeth?

If bruxism occurs permanently, it can health effects have. The constant pressure on your jaw joint causes your teeth to suffer. They are often found in those affected heavily abraded or sanded. Grooves and cracks in the hard tooth structure can be the result.

Dental splint for teeth grinding at night ‘Very good’ – view it directly here

In addition to the teeth, the Chewing muscles affected be drawn. This tenses up, hurts and often even is limited in their function. This so-called craniomandibular dysfunction is a pathological consequence of bruxism, which can cause jaw joint clicking and jaw noises.

Through the Muscle tension can it too Headache come. Even supposed ear pain are possible because the jaw joint is located directly next to the opening of the ear. Also one Osteoarthritis of the jaw joint can be a result of teeth grinding.

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Source: German