In an effort to help people learn about the history of prayer in Nara, the Nara Prefecture Visitors Bureau will be releasing the “Nara Buddha Statue Calendar 2025: Buddhas of Yamato – Illuminating the Ten Directions” from October 1st.
This is the 29th Buddhist statue calendar, and this time, the Buddha uses the phrase “Ten directions,” which means that the Buddha will shine on the world, to express the hope that the year will be bright. The seven Buddhist statues were selected by sculptor Chunosuke Niiro, who helped restore them.
The photographs are works by the late Ogawa Mitsuzo and Wakamatsu Yasuhiro of Asukaen, and the cover features the standing statue of Nikko Bodhisattva (National Treasure) from Todaiji Temple (Nara City), the standing statue of Amitabha Nyorai (Important Cultural Property) from Saihoji Temple (Yamazoe Village) for January and February, and the standing statue of Eleven-Headed Kannon Bodhisattva (Important Cultural Property) from Todaiji Temple’s Shigatsudo Hall for March and April.
The book will be sold at consignment stores in and outside the prefecture for 2,000 yen per copy. Reservations are currently being accepted, and details are available on Aoniyoshinara Travel Net. For inquiries, please contact the Prefectural Visitors Bureau (0742-23-8288).
Source: Japanese