Refer Report
Wonderla Amusement Parks MD Arun Chittilappally says that when a new generation takes over in business families, the existing system may face opposition. At every stage there will be those who will remind you how the older generation did it. Even if there is opposition, innovative ideas must be implemented.
Nasneen Jahangir, Executive Director and CEO of Nest Software, said that we should learn from the older generation and move forward. Much can be learned from their experiences. A prudent approach is to maintain what is there and grow new.
Tina, executive director of Muthoot Capital, said that as the fourth generation of the Muthoot business family, there are no problems. Any new idea or initiative to be implemented is always approved by the family. There is an approach that even if it falls apart, let it be an experience. As a business with 50 lakh users and half a lakh crore of revenue, we have to act with great care.
Ashok Mani, MD and CEO, Integrafoods (Kitchen Treasures) said that family business has many advantages but also challenges. Everyone should be seen as one. Often decisions are not as quick as Nugen would like. The reason is that the previous generation takes decisions slowly and cautiously. However, new technologies and innovations should be introduced. Sampadyam editor in charge Rajyashri was the moderator.
Source: Malayalam