Beware of this Schufa rip-off on the Internet

Beware of this Schufa rip-off on the Internet


Whether looking for an apartment, Borrowing or the conclusion of a mobile phone contract: For many providers, the Schufa scoring is still the most important proof of a prospective customer’s creditworthiness. Accordingly, proof of credit from the credit agency is often required. However, this does not necessarily have to be the paid credit report. Alternatively, you can also request a free copy of your stored data from Schufa – but many people do not know this. Dubious third-party providers on the Internet take advantage of this fact to make quick money. Schufa warns therefore now before the rip-off with the Schufa data copy.

Expensive price for free service

Anyone searching online for ways to create a Schufa credit report should be careful. This is because this keyword can also lead to dubious third-party providers online. They charge an average of 30 euros to collect the data of the interested party and forward it to Schufa for the purpose of requesting a copy of the data. In fact, the Schufa data copy However, any interested person can apply for it at any time directly via the Schufa website. The supposed service of the third-party providers therefore offers no added value. Nevertheless, according to the credit agency, in June 2024 alone, around 50,000 of 140,000 data copy requests came from such third-party providers. In total, the providers ripped off consumers for around 1.5 million euros in just one month.

Here you can find the data copy request

“Consumers are deliberately misled by these third-party providers on the Internet and asked to pay for the free Schufa data copy,” explains Ole Schröder, CEO of Schufa Holding AG. The Schufa data copy is an overview of the data that the credit agency has stored about a person. It contains assessments from the last twelve months on the likelihood of the person defaulting on payment, as well as the origin of the stored data and to whom it was forwarded. Interested parties can request the data copy online from Schufa via this page apply for.

Source: German