On the 4th, Asaka Seto (47), an actor and wife of former V6 member Yoshihiko Inohara (48), updated her Instagram. She posted a video filmed and edited by her eldest son, who is in his third year of junior high school.

[Video]”Amazing, as good as a professional” – Asaka Seto releases a video “filmed and edited” by her eldest son, a third-year junior high school student

Seto introduced the video as “The fourth filmed and edited by my son!” and uploaded it. It was a video of a trip to Mishima Skywalk in Shizuoka, and he said, “The zip line experience. The last zip slide of the course, 560m round trip and 70m high, was very impressive! This is my third time. The view is amazing, it’s crazy!!” He showed off his fulfilling holiday.

Comments on this post include, “The sense of realism is amazing! Your son’s filming and editing is impressive,” “Your son’s editing is so cohesive that I want to watch it over and over again,” “The reason his smile looks so natural and beautiful is because your son was filming it,” “Amazing, he could put a professional to shame,” “Your son’s filming and editing is full of family love,” and “Your son’s filming techniques are like a professional!”

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