Alan Wake 2: Nursery Rhymes – Solutions to all doll puzzles

Alan Wake 2: Nursery Rhymes – Solutions to all doll puzzles


In some places in Alan Wake 2 you can solve nursery rhymes to earn rewards in the form of talismans. Here we show you the solutions to all the rhymes as well as the locations of all the dolls so that you can crack the puzzles.

Table of contents
  1. 1.All rhymes & doll puzzles solved
  2. 2.Nursery Rhymes & Dolls at Cauldron Lake
  3. 3.Nursery Rhymes & Dolls in Watery
  4. 4.Bright Falls Nursery Rhymes

All rhymes & doll puzzles solved

Nursery rhymes are marked on the map with pink melody and moon symbols. You will always find text on the floor and various symbols around it. Depending on the clue text, you then have to place one to five dolls on the correct symbols to solve the puzzle.

Always pay attention to Saga’s reaction, she will comment if the solution is wrong. This way you can find out directly how many dolls need to be placed. You will gradually find the dolls as the game progresses near other puzzles of this type. For example, some children’s puzzles require dolls that you can only find later. You also need a certain amount of story progress or tools such as screwdrivers and bolt cutters to complete later puzzles.

If you have solved a puzzle correctly, the screen will briefly distort and an event will be triggered nearby. For example, you have to defeat nearby enemies or follow black shadow trails on the ground. This is how you get to yours Rewards in the form of talismans.

Overall there is 17 nursery rhymes and 13 dolls and if you want to unlock all the trophies and achievements of Alan Wake 2, you have to find them all as these will give you the achievements “Reality Shift” and “I will find you” unlocked.

Nursery Rhymes & Dolls at Cauldron Lake

Nursery rhymes and dolls at Cauldron Lake (Source: Screenshot GIGA).
Nursery rhymes and dolls at Cauldron Lake (© Screenshot GIGA)
  1. Crow doll: On the table at the western lookout point
  2. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Western Lookout): Crow Doll on Sun (Reward: Hammer Talisman/A crow places it on the picnic table in front of you)
  3. Hero doll & wolf doll: On the upper floor of the Witchfinder’s Station on the right in the children’s room. The hero doll is on the floor and the wolf doll is on a box to the right of it.
  4. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Before Witchfinder’s Station): Hero Doll on Ship – Wolf Doll on Tree (Reward: Coffee Cup Talisman/Lies in the children’s playpen on the upper floor of the Witchfinder’s Station)
  5. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Private Cabin): Crow doll on chick – Hero doll on heart – Wolf doll on house (Reward: Kalevala Knights talisman/Lies on the ground north of the rhyme in the forest, watch out for the wolves in the area)
  6. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Holiday Homes): Monster Doll on Chick – Crow Doll on Eye – Hero Doll on Jewelry (Reward: Coffee Cup Talisman/In the hut opposite, an enemy breaks open the previously locked door as you approach)
  7. Father doll: Located in a metal suitcase in the hut opposite after solving nursery rhyme number 6. A notice: Only lie here if this was the last puzzle you solved. The metal suitcase spawns in different locations depending on the location of your last solved puzzle.
  8. Nursery Rhyme Solution (In Witchfinder’s Station): Mother doll on heart – hero doll on sun – child doll on chick – cheater doll on wave – father doll on eye

Important NOTE: Nursery Rhyme No. 8 in the Witchfinder’s Station will only be unlocked once you have solved all of the other 16 rhymes. In the station, the information text will be read out to you again and again via radio. Once you have placed the dolls correctly, interact with the radio on the ground floor. At the end you will receive a fourth equipment slot for talismans as a reward.

Nursery Rhymes & Dolls in Watery

Nursery rhymes and dolls in Watery (Source: Screenshot GIGA).Nursery rhymes and dolls in Watery (Source: Screenshot GIGA).
Nursery rhymes and dolls in Watery (© Screenshot GIGA)
  1. Deer doll & elk doll: In the dead end by the eastern path.
  2. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Eastern Path): Moose Doll on Tree (Reward: Coffee Cup Talisman/On the way back to the Moose Statue, watch out for newly spawned enemies)
  3. Nursery rhyme solution (radio tower): Deer doll on house (Reward: Deer talisman/At the deer carcass near the radio tower, watch out for the two wolves)
  4. Impostor Doll, Wise Old Man Doll & Mother Doll: In front of the entrance to the lighthouse.
  5. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Lighthouse): Wise Old Man Doll on Eye – Trickster Doll on Wave (Reward: Lighthouse Talisman/Follow the tracks down to the bridge to Watery, to the right of which the Talisman is on a rock in the water)
  6. Bear doll & child doll: South in the Lighthouse trailer park. The bear doll is on the workbench (Fish-Clean) and the child doll is on the left bench near the entrance to the jetty.
  7. Nursery rhyme solution (trailer park near the jetty): Wise Old Man Doll on Wave – Bear Doll on Candy (Reward: Coffee World Brand Talisman/Follow the fish trail to the Fish Clean workbench where the Talisman is, watch out for the enemies in the area)
  8. Virgin doll & monster doll: On the upper floor of the ranger hut on the chest of drawers to the right of the marriage bed.
  9. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Ranger Hut): Virgin doll on tree – Bear doll on heart (Reward: FBC talisman/On the marriage bed on the upper floor of the ranger hut)
  10. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Latte Lagoon): Deer doll on ship – Imposter doll on jewelry – Moose doll on wave (Reward: Mr. Drippy talisman/Comes ashore on one of the small boats)
  11. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Downtown Trailer): Virgin doll on house – imposter doll on jewelry (Reward: Coffee cup talisman/In the mailbox in front of the entrance to the trailer)
  12. Nursery Rhyme Solution (In a trailer park trailer): Wise Old Man Doll on Eye – Deer Doll on Heart (Reward: Deer Festival Talisman/Lying on a dresser in the same trailer, watch out for the spawned enemy)

Bright Falls Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes in Bright Falls (Source: Screenshot GIGA).Nursery Rhymes in Bright Falls (Source: Screenshot GIGA).
Nursery Rhymes in Bright Falls (© Screenshot GIGA)
  1. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Bunker Woods): Mother doll on house – child doll on tree (reward: lantern talisman/run back the way and a wolf will attack you, there is also the talisman on the ground)
  2. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Ranger Station): Children’s Doll on House – Monster Doll on Candy (Reward: Coffee Cup Talisman/Follow the steps and open the front door and then the bathroom before you can get the Talisman from the bed)
  3. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Beach): Monster doll on wave – Child doll on jewelry – Mother doll on ship (Reward: Nursing home Valhalla talisman/At the overturned boat near the puzzle, watch out for the two strong enemies coming out of the reeds)
  4. Nursery Rhyme Solution (Billie’s Boatyard): Mother Doll on Wave – Monster Doll on Ship (Reward: Anchor Talisman/Follow the trail to the center of Billie’s boatyard and defeat all enemies, the Talisman is on the ground)

Source: German