Akita Prefecture, which had the highest number of bear-related injuries in the country last year, announced on the 2nd that it plans to offer compensation to residents injured in bear attacks in urban areas. 100,000 yen will be paid for injuries, 200,000 yen for serious injuries such as blindness, and 300,000 yen will be paid to surviving families in the event of death. A supplementary budget proposal for the general account for fiscal 2024, which includes related expenses, will be submitted to the prefectural assembly, which opens on the 9th.
According to the prefecture, there are cases where municipalities have paid compensation for bear damage, but it is rare for the prefecture to provide such compensation nationwide.
The law applies to cases where people are suddenly attacked and victimized in residential areas such as urban areas and villages. In principle, cases where people enter areas where mountain entry is prohibited and become victims are not covered, but as some residents work in forests, individual circumstances will be taken into consideration when making a decision.
Last year, 70 people were injured in bear attacks in Akita Prefecture. The government has earmarked a total of 8.9 million yen in compensation for these victims in the supplementary budget.
Source: Japanese